Special Fellows Session: Committees & Organizational Updates

Special Fellows Session: Committees & Organizational Updates

The July 2024 Slovis Course was an opportunity for the fellows and other trainees to connect.  The session began with an update from representatives of the SPR Career Development & Professionalism Committee, Membership Committee, and Early-Career & Trainee Committee.  There was also representation from the AAP Section on Radiology.  The updates were recorded for those who were unable to attend.  The second part of the session utilized the breakout rooms and was not recorded. 

Dr. Amy Mehollin-Ray

Webinar Facilitator

Dr. Yasmin Akbari

Discussion Moderator

Dr. Katherine (Katie) Barton

Organizational Update

Dr. Tom Mulvey

Discussion Moderator

Dr. Desi Schiess

Committee Update

Dr. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Snyder

Committee Update & Discussion Moderator

Dr. Arielle VanSyckel

Committee Update & Discussion Moderator


Special Fellows Session: Committees & Organizational Updates
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