Non-Clinical Training in Leadership and Management: What’s Available and What’s the Value

Non-Clinical Training in Leadership and Management: What’s Available and What’s the Value

Access the on-demand version of Non-Clinical Training in Leadership and Management: What’s Available and What’s the Value presented by Dr. Sarah Bixby and Dr. William (Bill) Meehan, with Dr. Maddy Artunduaga, Dr. Ramesh Iyer, and Dr. Cory Pfeifer, serving as panelists.

Sarah Bixby, MD (Moderator)

Boston Children's Hospital

William Meehan, MD (Moderator)

Boston Children's Hospital

Maddy Artunduaga, MD

UT Southwestern Medical Center

Ramesh Iyer, MD

Seattle Children's Hospital

Cory Pfeifer, MD

Phoenix Children's Hospital


Non-Clinical Training in Leadership and Management: What’s Available and What’s the Value​
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